Vers une philosophie de l’histoire de l’Anthropocène

The postcolonial historian Dipesh Chakrabarty risked the deep observation that with the arrival of the Anthropocene, human history and geological history would have converged. He is thus grappling with the question of whether we could think of the Anthropocene as a notion related to the species and not only to social formations. Without wishing to deny that the archetypal anthropos of anthropogenic climate change was unquestionably a rich and white male, his intuition tells him that the history of capital must blend, one way or another, with history. of the species, that is to say with the long history.Chakrabarty calls first of all on the language of the scientists who are at the origin of the notion and who speak of the human species. The use of the discourse authority invoking the species by scientists specializing in the Earth system could be supported by Mandy Rice-Davies's reply - "Well, that's what they always say, is not it?" this not? Scientists are instinctively looking for biological and genetic explanations. As a postcolonial historian, Chakrabarty is naturally wary of those who brandish biological principles to explain human behavior, mainly because of their reactionary implications. When it is the fault of the "human species", it is nobody's fault. It is no less on the theme of the species.