Aporije literarne zgodovine danes

Članek se ukvarja z nekaterimi novejšimi koncepti v teoriji literarnega zgodovinopisja. Kritično skuša pretresti pojme linearnost, kontinuiteta, teleologija, Velika pripoved, narativnost ipd. in čim bolj vsestransko preveriti njihovo spoznavno vrednost ter uporabnost v sodobnem literarnem zgodovinopisju. V sklepu se zavzema za pluralnost metod in perspektiv na tem področju. The article deals with some of the newer concepts in the theory of literary historiography. It attempts to critically examine the concepts of linearity, continuity, teleology, the grand narrative, narrative structure, etc., and to test as universally as possible their cognitive value and usefulness in contemporary literary historiography. In the conclusion author supports the plurality of methods and perspectives in this area.