后现代之后如何重启宏观史研究——从三种“大历史”谈起//[How to Reconstruct a Macro View of History after Post-modernism]

History,macro-history,and big history are three ways of expressing one general idea.This general idea reveals historians' desire to understand the trends of human history from a macro level,and it also reflects a recent paradigm shift in the field of historical research.Starting from the 1980 s,research on world history eschewed the traditional "macro narrative" and rather focused on a "micro narrative".While historians were deliberately shying away from macro narratives in the shadow of postmodern epistemological critiques,social scientists and natural scientists gladly embraced them.As economic globalization altered the world order,looking at historical trends on a large scale became even more relevant.Advances in science and technology also created new conditions amenable to macro historical research.In the face of these trends,this paper evaluates the present state of historical research in China.
人们通常所谓的"大历史"大致有History, macro-history和big history三种含义。这三种"大历史",不仅表露了人们试图从宏观上辨明历史运动方向以掌握人类命运的雄心,还深刻地反映了近代以来历史思想的变迁以及历史研究范式的更嬗。自20世纪80年代始,世界史学开始文化转向,宏大叙事备受冷落,历史学进入小叙事时代。当历史学家瑟缩于后现代主义认识论的淫威而自罪似的躲避宏大叙事时,社会科学家及自然科学家却肩荷着大规模历史研究的旌旗高歌猛进。全球化重塑了世界结构,擅长结构研究的长时段宏观研究当仁不让地重新披挂上阵。极具革命性意义的是,自然科学的发展为宏观史的回归创造了条件。当前,亟...