La consanguinidad entre mito e historia: motivos míticos en la Historia e Historiografía Antiguas // [The consanguinity between myth and history: mythical motifs in the History and Ancient Historiography]

The myth, understood as the history module, moves in front of it, legitimation, and setting up the “soul” of the different historical periods. It allows the possibility of reintegrating the tradition, running as a tool of deep understanding of the facts of which are agents and witnesses, and exercising the role of theme against the mentality secularized secularist. The recurring mythic structures are updated in the history and become inseparable from human culture. Sometimes, consciously or not, the historical buildings respond to own historians mythologies. European historiography is still considered as paradigms to Rome and the idea of the pax romana, conceived as the summit of political success. Also the historical vision of the Middle East still depends, in a portion of the Western historiography on the subject, of the existing ideological conceptions of the Old Testament, to establish criteria of authority and credibility.