Razão e História: a recepção de Adorno e Horkheimer das teses sobre o conceito de história e a inflexão filosófica da dialética do esclarecimento // [Reason and history: Adorno and Horkheimer's reception of the theses on the concept of history and the philosophical inflection of enlightenment dialectics]

In this article we will seek to introduce the relationship between the maturing of philosophy of history presented in the Dialectic of Enlightment, by Adorno e Horkheimer, and the writings of Walter Benjamin about History. Despite the fact that Benjamin is currently allocated by historiography as a peripheral intellectual, belonging to the external circle; we intend, from the reflections of Axel Honneth, in a indirect way, discuss the importance of the external circle to the philosophical program crowned in 1947 with Dialectic of Enlightment. In that way, we shall present the main points referring to the development of a philosophy of history by Benjamin and how such elements played a important role in Dialectic of Enlightment. The main wire is, in this case, about the perception of Reason and History, subjects deepened by Adorno and Horkheimer from the focus in historical development of western reason.

Keywords: Time; History; Reason; Nature; Myth