Andrés G. Freijomil

Biography and/or project

Andrés Gabriel Freijomil (1971) studied the teaching of History in the Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González” of Buenos Aires [1991-1996]. He completed his graduate studies in Argentina and France: a Master of Historical Research at the University of San Andrés [2001-2005] under the direction of Darío Roldán and his PHD in History at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) of Paris [2005-2011] under the direction of Roger Chartier. In both cases, the central object of research was the intellectual figure of the French historian Michel de Certeau. He serves as a professor of “Problems of historical knowledge” at the Institute of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS). As part of postgraduate studies, he works as academic coordinator of Master and PHD of Social Sciences who share the Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (IDES) and UNGS and where, in turn, he is in charge of three academic areas: the “Research Internship tutored” (I and II), the “Conferences of Research Master’s Thesis” (both instances, dictated with Andrea Daverio) and “Concepts and perspectives in History”. He has published numerous articles in several Argentinian and international scientific journals, including Inter Litteras (Buenos Aires), Prismas (Buenos Aires), Prohistoria (Rosario), Eadem utraque Europa (Buenos Aires), Thélème (Madrid), Historia y Grafía (México), Cahiers du Centre de recherches historiques (Paris), Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos (Paris), La Vie des idées (Paris), Humanitas (Roma), and the Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa (Torino). He has also translated into Spanish and made the critical edition of Voyage autour du monde by Louis-Antoine de Bougainville [Buenos Aires: EUDEBA, 2004] and has researched and published with Maya Gonzalez Roux and under the direction of Alejandra Birgin a history of Casa Argentina in Paris entitled Escenas de la memoria [Buenos Aires: Ministry of Education of Argentina, 2011]. As a postdoctoral fellow of the CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research), has investigated the intellectual paths of Michel de Certeau in Latin America between 1960 and 1980. Currently, he is researching on the French historians Michel de Certeau and Jacques Le Goff, and the argentine historian Rómulo Carbia.